G Fair Korea 2020 Korea Sourcing Fair is two-day business event that has a successful history, high exhibitor and attendee demand, an established following, and many customers and prospects who actually show-up at the event. This year is going to be a little different, as the organizer- Gyeonggi Province – Govt of Korea & Gyeonggi Business and Science Accelerator, will give the participants a virtual show experience. Exhibitor at 12th edition of Korea Sourcing Fair will digitally display their products in the field of beauty & wellness, building material, kitchenware and more, from their online booths. The exhibitors can post product brochures, videos, presentations, documents and demos. They can live chat or organize one-to-one video meetings with selected attendees. The exhibitors from their home or office can participate can get increased exposure, and opportunity of engagement with attendees at unmatched rate.