Tanzania ICT Expo 2019 offers and opportunity for Members and Industry representatives to come together and discuss ICT related topics. The event will take place on 20th – 22nd June 2019 at Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre. With both conference and exhibition components, attendees are able to view the latest technologies and discuss implementation and best practice strategies.
Science, technology and innovations is paramount to the economic, development and the well-being of any nation across the world. The UN SG’s 26 member Scientific Advisory Board noted that although a target of 1 percent of Gross Domestic Product for research and development is perceived high by many governments, investing up to 3.5 percent of a nation’s GDP in science, technology and innovation, including basic science and education, is a key benchmark for advancing sustainable development effectively.
Event Date: 20th - 22nd June, 2019
Event Venue: Julius Nyerere International Conventional Center, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Event Timing: 10 am to 5 pm
Category: Innovation, Technology